Friday, April 11, 2008

Questions not ask that have ruined a nation

April 6, 2008
By Greg Evensen
News With Views

The answers to the following questions are among the most important ones ever sought. If they had been asked, and honest, accurate, answers offered, the American people would have held the potential solutions to this nation’s most crushing problems within their minds and also within their grasp. Because they were not asked, or asked by only a tiny number of caring, astute, educated, constitutionally literate citizens, most of us have fiddled while Washington burned. It is so late in the day, I do not believe that if we moved right now with every resource at our disposal, this nation can be saved from the ultimate ride into the septic tank of history, due to the flushing action of the economic markets, banks, big oil and of course, the Federal Reserve System (an extension of the Rothschild European banking conspiracy).

Understand that the banks have already made their big money, have always made money--even during the “depression.” They will emerge from the next great financial crises—somewhat bruised, but always ahead of the game. They will destroy economies, whole nations, indeed perhaps civilization, but they will emerge like maggots from dead carrion, bloated from their “meals” of your savings, your retirement systems, your former investments and your life’s work. These vultures are circling over America at this moment and could care less what happens to the crumbling domino effect created by their insatiable, indeed evil greed for money. They can not EVER be trusted to pursue the morally upright path with the people’s or the nation’s treasure. Since a cabal of paid off, corrupted and treasonous Congressional representatives voted late in the night of December 23, 1913, to surrender the nation’s banking responsibility--congressionally given to the United States Department of the Treasury—the PEOPLE”S treasury, to a PRIVATE banking group--the Federal Reserve System--this nation, from that moment to this very moment, has been running toward a date in its destiny that would see the end of free government and real liberty unlike any the world has ever known.

We are witnessing the end of a nation, it’s magnificent history forgotten, it’s potential for world leadership absolutely ruined by lying presidents, a prostituted military general staff overseeing the killing of its fighting core, bought and paid for legislators in the service of the banks, and a court system caught somewhere between military rule and the elusive but deadly concoction of “maritime” law and suspended constitutional government. The still in effect state of emergency used since March 9, 1933, including the bankruptcy of the US, and its “dissolution” of the government is the result. That is why judges rule without regard to the constitutionality of the issue before the court. That is why judges have assumed the power they have without the authority or constitutional right to do so. That is why judges everywhere ignore legal rights, deprive the accused of informed jury rulings, and dismiss tax cases at will. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES IS SUSPENDED AND NOT AVAILABLE TO DEFEND CITIZENS WITHIN THE COURT SYSTEM.

Congress can do what it likes and ignore you. The Council on Foreign Relations dictates to congress and the President what it wants achieved toward the ultimate goal of US assimilation into the world’s government and a complete loss of our independence or sovereignty. That is why the Executive branch and the President are racing to close the deal with Canada and Mexico to create a giant borderless region where the banks win again. That is why mutual security or defense pacts are being brokered or already set in place to assure that unrest over this or any other slave creating legislation is protected, placing our economy AND YOUR JOBS on the fast track for annihilation. It explains the lack of any significant roundup of illegals or protection from international criminal drug running. It makes clear why a useless, meaningless war is fought endlessly in Iraq and why no one has had an original thought concerning oil independence in 60 years. These are issues and questions that have not been asked before a responsible, serious governmental agency for a generation or more. These same questions have been ignored by candidates running for public office, and have not been considered important by the very people who are going to be at the mercy of those officials, some of whom have held congressional public office since the early 1960’s. We are sowing what we have reaped.

Additional questions about the operations of our intelligence agencies, domestic eavesdropping, satellite surveillance on American citizens, court approved or private interception of our phone conversations, e-mail and text messaging captures by the CIA, FBI, BATFE, the Pentagon, the IRS, various state police agencies, and phone companies themselves show conclusively that our freedoms are absolutely gone.

Believe it or not, the first amendment is in serious doubt by congress and the courts. Say what you believe? Get a boat load of guts, because being right and saying so loudly, will give you a one-way ticket to a U.S. detention camp soon enough. We have virtually no 4th amendment protections left, none. The second amendment is in great peril by those who fear its threat to tyranny, and that we may just follow the Declaration of Independence and escort them out of town.

Still further questions about the integrity of our pharmaceuticals, the lack of accountability by clinics and hospitals that are killing more than 100,000 people yearly due to inbred infections rampant through the carelessness of lazy doctors and nursing staff who lack or ignore simple sterile protections observed even in the third world arise every day in America. Who is safeguarding us? Hospital administrators? Surgical teams? Apparently not. Big Pharma and its pill brigades? Not in the last 50 years or more.

Get back to grandma’s remedies. They work and cost next to nothing. Oh, that’s right, I should have known better. Those old time solutions are VERY cost effective. That’s why the big name pharmaceutical companies want ALL natural remedies regulated, eliminated, outlawed or bought up by themselves. It’s about MONEY—not the cure or the gain for you and me.

Where are the citizen committees asking these and thousands of other questions? Still too busy with crap that doesn’t matter. Still to set on boozing it up this Friday instead of tending to the nation’s business. Still making excuses why you just can’t afford to prepare for a rendezvous with history that will leave you breathless. Permanently breathless.

Where were the open and honest investigations starting in just the 1990’s concerning Oklahoma City, Waco, Ruby Ridge, Flight 800, September 11, 2001, the activities of the depraved and corrupted Democratic version of Heinrich Himmler, Attorney General Janet Reno, the whacked out Republican Attorney General John Ashcroft, his Patriot Act I and later II. German Fatherland (oops), that’s US Homeland Security, Director Chertoff and the Gestapo? The list goes on forever. Where were your questions and your outrage? Do you have any even now? Are you grasping all of this? Do you care? Have you given up? Are you so worn down, you can’t think or reason? Who will you blame when the trucks stop rolling? Where will you go to get toilet paper? Will you have enough soup on the shelf? Will you demand to know why our own United States Department of Agriculture demanded that every domesticated animal in America be chipped? Will you ask why every move you make and every free action you attempt is now regulated? Do you have the courage to refuse a REAL ID in the form of a driver’s license that will regulate and locate you anywhere, anytime? Are you rushing to get a “chip on board” US passport? WHY? Will you stop obeying these endless absurd “laws” and just say NO!? Have you stopped to consider that the only thing left for you to do is to start breaking the “law?”

Will you ask just one more question? Are you able or willing to do anything at all????

Will you begin this process by fighting political correctness, fighting special rights for only certain people, challenging stupid anti-common sense environmental and societal needs like letting children do what they want without discipline and allowing endangered centipedes to have more habitat considerations than my family?

As I have stated in recent weeks, America is issuing an SOS, the lifeboats are within reach, the implosion is accelerating and you had better prepare. THIS IS THE DAY, THIS IS THE TIME, AND THIS IS THE HOUR! We see the evidence of genetics run wild in our dwindling wheat supply. We see rogue nations, rogue dictators, rogue oil company executives, rogue oil refinery managers and cowardly congressional morons encouraging by their inaction to protect us, the destruction of the economy and our personal home budgets. We STILL do nothing. We can’t get from here to there on an airliner. Drugged up engineers are running railroad trains. Baseball heroes lie about their drug use and Congress uses them to show that they (the congress critters) are doing the people’s business.

Have you taken care of your finances? Have you moved to protect what you have? When will you decide what to do with your accounts? Do you own precious metals? Is your vehicle in good shape? Do you have some extra gasoline, kerosene or diesel fuel? Do you have a good inventory of tools, rope, chain, steel cable, barbed wire, concertina wire? Do you have a big supply of NON-HYBRID seeds? Is your winter clothing the real thing or does it just look good? Do you have a good supply of firewood? Can you live off the electrical, water and phone grid? Have you plotted a first, second, third and fourth route to your retreat? What if they close the roads? Are you within one tank of gas to your destination? Can you defend yourself or your family? Do you have an RV trailer, even a smaller one, to use during reasonable weather—until you can do something else, go somewhere else or figure something else out? What food supplies do you have? Can you prepare something that is not out of a “helper” box of some kind? Can you live without refrigeration? Can you stalk game and kill it? Can you dress it out safely? Do you know where and how to fish?

Have we asked the questions of our elected leaders at all levels that need to be asked? Have you sought them out and pinned them down as to what they believe, what they vote for and what they do in your name? Have you encouraged others to do those same things? Have you agreed with people who think like you do to agree to vote only for those who are willing to sign a pact with you outlining their beliefs and their PROMISE to do what is right for this nation and her people? Will you accept that unless we do that, America is absolutely doomed to the course of destruction that has been set by world elites that care not the least for you or America? Is God a part of your life and do you acknowledge your need for Him?

Will you start using your status as a citizen with a hard agenda, right now? Will you make life miserable for the very people you elected that have made your life miserable? Will you get ready before it is too late?

Have you taken this article seriously? I have asked fifty questions to help prepare your ability to withstand what is ahead. They have gone straight to the heart of why we are on the precipice of disaster. One question remains.

Are you willing to do what you MUST, to help America back to righteous government and moral world leadership? Your refusal to be run over by a train while waving the red, white and blue flare for freedom, means we may still be able to safely stop this runaway giant—if--the crew is still in control.

© 2008 Greg Evensen - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

N.Y Radio station bans American Jewish commitee commercial

New York Radio Station Bans Ad Explaining Sderot's Dangers

by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

( WQXR Radio, a New York City station owned by The New York Times, has refused to air a radio spot by the American Jewish Committee (AJC) because of descriptions "outside our bounds of acceptability." AJC Executive Director David Harris said the spot was aired on hundreds of stations in the United States, including CBS.

The commercial stated, "Imagine you had fifteen seconds to find shelter from an incoming missile. Fifteen seconds to locate your children, help an elderly relative, assist a disabled person to find shelter. That's all the residents of Sderot and neighboring Israeli towns have. Day or night, the sirens go on. Fifteen seconds later, the missiles, fired from Hamas-controlled Gaza, hit. They could hit a home, a school, a hospital. Their aim is to kill and wound and demoralize. "

New York Times Radio president Tom Batunek explained to AJC that the spot did not make it clear that the missile attacks were taking place outside of the New York City area. He added, "The description of the missiles as arriving 'day or night' and 'daily' is also subject to challenge as being misleading, at least to the degree that reasonable people might be troubled by the absence of any acknowledgement of reciprocal Israeli military actions."

Harris commented, "In other words, according to Bartunek’s logic, the only way to broadcast the plight of Sderot’s residents over the airwaves is to equate Israel’s right of self-defense with Hamas’s and Islamic Jihad’s right to strike Israel at will."

The cancelled radio spot continued, "Imagine yourself in that situation. The sirens blast. 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. The time to seek shelter has ended. The missiles hit. This is what Israelis experience daily. But, amazingly, they refuse to be cowed. Help us help those Israelis."

Bartunek countered, "Finally, in my judgment the 'countdown' device and the general tone of the message do not meet our guidelines for decorum."

The AJC executive director, also revealed that the same radio station, after the September 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States, refused another AJC commercial. The 2001 spot stated, "Recently, The New York Times reported that in Saudi Arabia, 10th graders are warned of 'the dangers of having Christian and Jewish friends,' and in Pakistan, a million children attending religious schools are taught to "distrust and even hate the United States."

The radio station manger cited the paragraph, which was quoted from the parent company’s newspaper, as not meeting the station's standards.

Harris also said that last month, the Bloomberg radio news station rejected an AJC segment citing hate literature in children's textbooks in the Palestinian Authority (PA), Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Iran.

"Everything written in this spot was verifiable," Harris said. "Yet, all this was not good enough for the station, which, without putting anything down on paper, asserted that there were some questions about what was being said."

British radio journalist Walter Bingham has launched a letter-writing campaign to WQXR urging the station to reconsider their decision.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Greatest Killer

Greatest Killer
The 20th Century has been the bloodiest century in all of history. And humanism has proven to be the most destructive religion of all time. Far more people have been killed in the name of atheism than by all other religions combined.

Historian Paul Johnson has observed that ”the 20th Century state has proved itself the great killer of all time.” The 20th Century has seen the worst atrocities ever committed. The word ”genocide”, a new term coined in the 20th Century, describes what has occurred repeatedly in secular humanist states - which had first disarmed their populations.

Darwinian evolutionism with its ”survival of the fittest” ideology has devalued human life. If man is not created in the image of God, and if there is no God in heaven Who will judge the living and the dead, if there are no objective standards of right and wrong - then life becomes cheap. When you devalue God, you devalue life.

What are people according to atheists who believe in evolution? ”A hairless ape” - Schoenberg; ”A mere insect, an ant…” - Church; ”An accidental twig” - Gould; ”A rope stretched over an abyss” - Nietzsche; ”A fungus on the surface of one of the minor planets” - Du Maurier; ”A jest, a dream, a show, bubble, air…” - Thornbury; and ”I see no reason for attributing to man a significant difference in kind from that which belongs to a grain of sand” - Oliver Wendell Holmes.

When atheism takes hold of a society, moral relativism is inevitable. Nothing is sacred. There is no objective standard of right and wrong, no God, no eternal Day of Judgement. No hope of eternal justice. Life becomes cheap.

As the existentialist writer Jean-Paul Sartre explained: ”Without God all activities are equivalent…thus it amounts to the same thing whether one gets drunk alone, or is a leader of nations.”

Historian Paul Johnson commented on the advance of atheism in modern history: ”Nietzsche wrote in 1886: ’The greatest event of recent times - that God is dead, that the belief in the Christian God is no longer tenable - is beginning to cast its first shadows over Europe.’ Ultimately the collapse of the religious impulse would leave a huge vacuum. The history of modern times is in great part the history of how that vacuum has been filled.”

The Fruit of Atheism

As Dr. James Kennedy in ”What If Jesus Had Never Been Born?” observes: ”That vacuum has been filled with the totalitarian state, the loss of freedom for millions, the concentration camp and the gulag, the rise of abortion, infanticide, euthanasia and suicide, crime out of all proportion, and the most savage wars in the history of the world.”

The triumph of secular humanism with its atheism, evolutionism and situation ethics has led to the rise of gangster statesmen such as Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Fidel Castro, Pol Pot, Robert Mugabe and many more like them.

At least 180 million people have been killed by secular governments in the 20th Century. And that is a very conservative estimate. We are not here talking about people who have died in wars caused by secular humanist states, because that would massively increase the body count. No, over 180 million people have been killed by their own secular humanist governments in the 20th Century. The greatest threat to life in the 20th Century was not firearm accidents, or crime, or even wars! More people were killed by their own governments in peace time than were killed by foreign invaders in war time.

Dr. David Barrett, editor of the massive World Christian Encyclopaedia, and author of Cosmos, Chaos and Gospel, and Our Globe and How To Reach It, has documented that Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin was responsible for killing over 40 million people. Joseph Stalin closed down over 48 000 churches, and attempted the liquidation of the entire Christian Church.

Similarly, communist dictator of China Mao Tse Tung launched the Great Proletariat Cultural Revolution, ”History’s most systematic attempt ever, by a single nation, to eradicate and destroy Christianity…” Mao was responsible for killing about 72 million people.

The communist takeover of Cambodia in 1975 resulted in the death of up to 3 million people - a full third of the total population. When we add to these the death toll of communist regimes in Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Angola, Mozambique, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Cuba, and Zimbabwe, the body count is staggering.

As Dostoevsky so eloquently put it: ”If God is dead, then all things are possible!”

The terrifying thing about secular humanist states is that there is no authority above the state to which one can make an appeal. The concept of ”inalienable rights” endowed by a Creator are of course impossible in a secular state. If the state itself is the highest authority, then there are no limits to the abuses and oppression that unrestrained human nature is capable of. The humanist state inevitably leads to tyranny and despotism.

The publication of The Black Book of Communism created a sensation. First published in French and later translated into English, the Black Book is a scholarly, detailed account of the crimes of communism, starting with the Russian Revolution and continuing through Eastern Europe, Red China, North Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Angola and Afghanistan.

At almost 900 pages long, the Black Book’s exhaustive indictment of communism is all the more compelling because all six of its authors were once communists. They are researchers, professors and journalists associated with the Paris-based Centre for the Study of History and Sociology of Communism. The editor of the Black Book of Communism, Stephane Courtois, is also the editor of the Communisme magazine.

As the foreword declares: ”Ten years ago, the authors of the Black Book would have refused to believe what they now write…” However, their ”exploration of the Soviet archives…” forced them, out of a ”duty of remembrance” to the millions of victims murdered under Marxist regimes, to ”spare a little compassion for the victims of the inhumanity so long meted out by so many of its own partisans.”

Their intention was that the Black Book serve as both history and as a memorial to those victims whose very memory had been wiped out.

In his introduction, Stephane Courtois declares: ”The fact remains that our century has outdone its predecessors in its bloodthirstiness…indeed (communism) occupies one of the most violent and most significant places of all…”

The Bitter Harvest

The Tuol Sleng prison in Cambodia, a former school, was one of the worst centres for torture and execution. Each prisoner - every man, woman and child - was photographed before being cruelly executed. (Photo Reza / Sygma)The Black Book indicts the Soviet Union’s communist leaders with the following crimes (amongst many others):

• The execution (without trial) of tens of thousands of hostages and prisoners and the murder of hundreds of thousands of workers and peasants in Russia from 1918 to 1922 under Vladimir Lenin.

• Deliberately destroying all food and crops so as to starve to death 5 million people in Russia in 1922.

•The extermination of the Cossacks in 1920.

•The liquidation of 690 000 people in the great purge of 1937 - 38.

•The destruction of 4 million Ukrainians and 2 million other people in the man-made and systematically perpetrated dekulakisation famine of 1932 - 1933.

The Black Book presents a very conservative estimate of the number of civilians murdered by Marxist regimes based on the Marxist regime’s own records: 20 million in the USSR; 65 million in Red China; 1 million in Vietnam; 2 million in North Korea; 2 million in Cambodia; 1,5 million in Afghanistan, and so on. The Black Book of Communism documents that, according to the communist regimes’ own archives, the total death toll is at least 100 million people killed by communist governments between 1917 and 1991.

”These crimes tend to fit a recognisable pattern…the pattern includes execution by…firing squads, hanging, drowning, battering, and, in certain cases, gassing, poisoning or ’car accidents’; destruction of the population by starvation, through man-made famine, the withholding of food, or both; deportation, through which death can occur in transit (either through physical exhaustion or through confinement in an enclosed space)…or through forced labour (exhaustion, illness, hunger, cold)…Thus in the name of an ideological belief system were tens of millions of innocent victims systematically butchered.”

The foreword of The Black Book declares: ”Communism has been the great story of the 20th Century. Bursting into history from the most unlikely corner of Europe amid the trauma of World War I, in the wake of the cataclysm of 1939 - 1945 it made a giant leap westward…and an even greater one eastward to the China Seas. With this feat…it had come to rule a third of mankind and seemed poised to advance indefinitely. For seven decades it haunted world politics, polarising opinion between those who saw it as the socialist end of history and those who considered it as history’s most total tyranny.”

With socialist fables of their ”worker’s paradise” now consigned to what Trotsky called ”the ash heap of history”, it has to be admitted that the secular humanist state has been ”a tragedy of planetary dimensions…the communist record offers the most colossal case of political carnage in history.”

As The Black Book documents, communist states did not merely commit criminal acts, ”they were criminal enterprises in their very essence, on principle, so to speak, they ruled lawlessly, by violence and without regard for human life.” What is also remarkable is that these atrocities were committed by regimes who claimed that they were building ”a worker’s paradise”, heaven on earth. However, rather than delivering paradise, all communism succeeded in was creating hell on earth.

”They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity…” 2 Peter 2:19

There is a danger that as we list the statistics and read the mind-numbing numbers of the victims of secular states, we can be hardened. As Joseph Stalin observed: ”The death of one person is a tragedy, but the death of millions is just a statistic.” But we need to remind ourselves that these were real people, and whole families, that were maimed, mutilated and murdered.

Terror as a means of education in Vietnam: the execution of a"counter revolutionary" provides the opportunity to reinforce a political and
social system. (Photo Coll. Doan Van Toai)If we were to add to the number of those victims murdered by their own government in the 20th Century, the pre-born babies who have been killed by abortion, and those old and sick people killed by euthanasia, in secular states, the death toll would approach one billion people. That is 1000 million victims killed by secular states in the 20th Century alone.

”There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God. All have turned away, they have together become worthless;…their throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit. The poison of vipers is on their lips. Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness. Their feet are swift to shed blood; ruin and misery mark their ways…” Romans 3:10 - 17

As Dr. James Kennedy observes in ”What If Jesus Had Never Been Born?” the 20th Century was ”one of mass murder, genocide and institutionalised terrorism, the fruits of that phantom faith in the secular state that persists in promising liberation even as it attacks the most fundamental human attachments.”

”The fool says in his heart, ’there is no God.’ They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.” Psalm 14:1

The bitter harvest of atheism proves that humanism is the most destructive religion in all of history. The secular state is the greatest killer ever, and secular states have made the 20th Century the bloodiest century of all time.

Peter Hammond is the author of In The Killing Fields of Mozambique, Holocaust in Rwanda and Faith Under Fire In Sudan.

Friday, April 4, 2008

generally Speaking 4-04-08

Is it just me or some others as confused as I am about the love Affair between the media, quite a few Americans and Barrack Obama? What I hear and read about this "new, fresh and honest" face and his inspiring rhetoric in no way matches what I see and hear when I watch him. I see and hear the same trite promises, the same arm waving assurances that he will somehow miracle up answers to the same problems he's been unable to do anything about as a U.S.Senator. He is as same old, same old as I have ever seen...except he is black. The idea he is a political outsider doesn't stand up to even cursory scrutiny. Same journey from State to Federal larder that they all take. That he is less experienced than most certainly does not give me any great sense of security. I would rather have a well trained (and tested) hand on the helm of the good ship USA. The course Obama wants' to set seems headed toward the shores of Socialism. He has stated he wants me to pay more taxes, maybe as much as sweet Hillary. Hopefully she won't be ducking anymore snipers with Chelsea. I have listened to most of Osama's major speeches and have yet to hear anything new...just the usual liberal political rhetoric. The comparison to JFK is laughable. Of course today JFK would not be a Democrat...far too conservative for today's party.
By: James Thompson

Absolutely not!

Company 'gives away' Southwest to Mexico
Vodka ad shows 'Absolut world' in which California, Arizona, others secede

© 2008 WorldNetDaily

A new ad for Absolut vodka reconfigures North America according to the aspirations of many Mexicans, who believe the U.S. Southwest was stolen and should be returned.

Over a redrawn map of the U.S., the ad by the Swedish Absolut Spirits Co. declares, "In an Absolut World," noted columnist and blogger Michelle Malkin.

Major Hispanic civil rights groups in the U.S., such as the National Council of La Raza, are tied to movements advocating a "reconquista," or reconquest, of territory lost when Mexico signed the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo at the end of the Mexican-American War.

Malkin points out the Mexico City-based firm that created the ad, Teran, says its philosophy is advocating "disruption" as a "tool for change" and "agent of growth." The firm encourages "overturning assumptions and prejudices that get in the way of imagining new possibilities and visionary ideas that help create a larger share of the future."

As WND reported in 2006, Rep. Charles Norwood, R-Ga., called on La Raza to renounce its support of the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan – which sees "The Race" as part of an ethnic group that one day will reclaim Aztlan, the mythical birthplace of the Aztecs. In Chicano folklore, Aztlan includes California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and parts of Colorado and Texas.

In 2002, a prominent Chicano activist and University of California at Riverside professor, Armando Navarro, told WND he believed secession is inevitable if demographic and social trends continue.

"If in 50 years most of our people are subordinated, powerless, exploited and impoverished, then I will say to you that there are all kinds of possibilities for movements to develop like the ones that we've witnessed in the last few years all over the world, from Yugoslavia to Chechnya," Navarro said.

"A secessionist movement is not something that you can put away and say it is never going to happen in the United States," he contended. "Time and history change."

Navarro said one could argue "that while Mexico lost the war in 1848, it will probably win it in the 21st century, in terms of the numbers," "But that is not a reality based on what Mexico does, it's based on what this country does," he insisted.

In a 1995 speech to Chicano activists, Navarro said demographic trends are leading to "a transfer of power" to the ethnic Mexican community in the Southwest. He notes that most studies show that within the next 20 to 30 years Latinos will comprise more than 50 percent of the population of California. This fact, and other cultural and social developments, are opening the door for "self-determination" and even "the idea of an Aztlan," he said in his speech.