Monday, June 16, 2008

Generally speaking 6-15-08

I have never seen a more arrogant, self important, elitist than Barrack Obama. The President makes a statement about "some people" and Obamy claims the right to be that someone and then claims the he is not doing what that person is said to be doing. Of course it had to be him because he is sooooooo important. And the drive by media gives him all the TV time he wants to "respond" and denounce President Bush and John McCain who is evidently in Bush's administration since whatever Bush does (or has done) McCain is also guilty of.

If this inexperienced little do nothing weenie gets elected President the people of our country who vote for him will deserve the economic and international catastrophe that follows...the rest of us will just get sucked down the drain with them. Have we become stupid enough to elect someone based on TV and newspaper hype? Is there a real possibility that an untested, slick talker with a stated socialistic agenda could end up in the White House? I'm afraid the answer to both questions is yes...and we will pay for it.