Sunday, August 26, 2007

Generally Speaking 8-26-07

The doomsayers are out in greater numbers than ever...and from every area in the news.
The troop surge is working in Iraq BUT the political side is failing so it doesn't matter, they say. They said just the opposite when the military side wasn't doing so well but the political side was running smoothly.
The sky is falling on the stock market they say. The market shot up over a thousand points in what, a little over a month? Has it ever rocketed up and not "corrected" soon afterward in a big way?
The housing market is crashing due to abhorrent misuse of the sub prime mortgage lenders. This one they are correct about except that the boom was created by the same factor.
Have you noticed how all broadcast news love a it financial, a hurricane, flooding , fire, murder (big or small) and lately mine cave ins. Did you know if we reported on mine deaths (cave in or accident) in China it would be daily news and in greater numbers than we have seen in the past few years. It is far safer to be a policeman or a stunt man in China than a coal miner. Oh, and our biggest trading partner still uses slave labor in many industries...the government rents them out...just like the Nazis. Of course, with Americas materialism if the Nazis were still around, and had the lowest prices, we'd buy from them. If you doubt any of this wander around just about any store and find something made in the U.S.A. It's getting pretty scary. My political science teacher in high school said we would know when the U.S. was failing if we were importing most of our food. Are we there yet?

Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Battle Rages as the Chickens Come Home to Roost By: Tim W. Wood

Market wrap up for Friday August 24

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Syria Has Weapons of Mass Destruction Stockpiles

August 17, 2007
The Trumpet

Syria now has chemical and biological weapons than can strike Tel Aviv and other major Israeli cities, a recent Israeli intelligence report said. However, Defense Minister Ehud Barak has banned the distribution of gas masks in Israel for fear of upsetting the fragile peace with Syria, Israel Insider reports.

Photo: Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak won't distribute gas masks in fear of antagonizing Syria to use its weapons. (Jack Guez /AFP/ Getty Images)

Barak said that the distribution of gas masks might give the impression that Israel was preparing for war with Syria and escalate the tense situation between the two countries. Syria attacked Israel in the 1948, 1967 and 1973 wars, and is a sponsor of terrorism.

The move was heavily criticized by many Israeli government officials, and for good reason. Yuval Steinitz, head of Homefront Preparedness in Israel’s Knesset, argued that it is the Defense Minister’s duty to protect civilians from a possible chemical or biological attack and said failure to do so was an egregious error.

Syria has been stockpiling missiles and launchers in and around the Golan Heights area for months, and is reportedly using Iranian money to purchase sophisticated military equipment from Russia and North Korea. “Military sources said intelligence shows Syria was nearing the end of an accelerated deployment of a large rocket arsenal of Katyusha and Scud missiles, including Scud D and other improved missiles supplied by Iran, that can deliver 500-kilogram payloads to Tel Aviv …” the Jerusalem Post said. Many of these missiles can be outfitted with chemical or biological warheads.

The tension between the two sides is so high that some believe even the distribution of gas masks to civilians could push the region over the edge and into war. Still, Israel’s gamble with its citizens’ lives for the sake of showing Damascus it has no intention of attacking could be reasonably interpreted by its enemies as a sign of weakness—and an opportunity. Israel is in an extraordinarily difficult position.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Generally Speaking

In my opinion the citizens of our country have lost their minds, their memory and their moral direction, not necessarily in that order. Actually, I guess any order will do. You cannot lose any of these three 'M's without adversely effecting the others. And it's not enough just to lose them, we as a Nation have chosen to deny them, to deny that Judeo-Christian moral law had anything to do with our strength and success over these last few centuries. Certainly to deny that it is the foundation upon which we built our country.
With the loss of a moral foundation (abortion on demand, legalized sexual deviants, removing God from our schools) we are now floundering in a sea of uncertainty simply because we are told there is NO ABSOLUTE truths. All truth is subject to the variables of time, place and individual interpretation and therefore there can be no absolute truth. Ever. The scary thing is, if you apply their interruptive truth theory to history then maybe the Nazi's weren’t so wrong and maybe the murder and mayhem that was the dark ages wasn't so hideous. The diversity chant that rocks across our country has destroyed a number of Empires through history. Maybe it's just our turn.
Have you seen the new dollar coin? Try to find "In God we trust" on it.

J.B. Thompson