Friday, August 17, 2007

Generally Speaking

In my opinion the citizens of our country have lost their minds, their memory and their moral direction, not necessarily in that order. Actually, I guess any order will do. You cannot lose any of these three 'M's without adversely effecting the others. And it's not enough just to lose them, we as a Nation have chosen to deny them, to deny that Judeo-Christian moral law had anything to do with our strength and success over these last few centuries. Certainly to deny that it is the foundation upon which we built our country.
With the loss of a moral foundation (abortion on demand, legalized sexual deviants, removing God from our schools) we are now floundering in a sea of uncertainty simply because we are told there is NO ABSOLUTE truths. All truth is subject to the variables of time, place and individual interpretation and therefore there can be no absolute truth. Ever. The scary thing is, if you apply their interruptive truth theory to history then maybe the Nazi's weren’t so wrong and maybe the murder and mayhem that was the dark ages wasn't so hideous. The diversity chant that rocks across our country has destroyed a number of Empires through history. Maybe it's just our turn.
Have you seen the new dollar coin? Try to find "In God we trust" on it.

J.B. Thompson

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