Sunday, March 30, 2008

Birth Of A Nation


By John Galt

March 31, 2008

The Founding Fathers had a vision where individuals were allowed to use their God given freedoms to use their own creativity, their own belief systems, and their own talents to work within a Capitalist system based on the principle of freedom. This freedom extended to all aspects to each and every citizen of American life as long as it did not impair or impede on other individuals or the greater good of this nation. These freedoms and the vision our Founding Fathers had for us are now coming to a close. The abdication of the ideal known as “personal responsibility” and the application of morality in everyone’s decision making process have been delivered a fatal blow first struck some ninety-five years ago. The creation of the Federal Reserve Banking system at the behest of political idealists who wished to manage the social fabric of society as opposed to their Constitutionally mandated responsibilities were just the beginning. The series of legislative initiatives undertaken from 1910 to 1940 to complete reshape our nation under the guise of “Progressivism” was slow to come about, but it was not until this decade and the final crisis of our foolish endeavors in societal management that we shall realize the implications of that generation’s actions. Their intent was to create a system of macro economic management by government which allowed the banking system to function outside of the legal parameters of the Constitution while profiting the few and penalizing the majority for any mistakes that were made. As decades of erroneous decisions have piled up and multiplied exponentially the proverbial bill is now past due. How appropriate that a nation founded in the idealism of personal responsibility and freedom shall now depart from that path and begin a final curtain call which entails the incorporation of a vile system of Marxist theory in combination with the perversion of religion to justify the revision of our society and the behavior of it’s citizens.

Taxation Without Representation

In the 1770’s part our nation’s foundation was laid with the purpose of eliminating tyrannical leaders who impose their will without the voice of the people. The taxation of citizens to serve a “crown” was considered a barbaric relic of medieval times as serfdom was no longer accepted by “modern” society. Alas, if only old Ben Franklin could see us now. The average schmuck has been quite content for decades to accept taxation without realizing they are being taxed as it has been given the false perception of the “cost of a free society” and other such rot. Although my personal principles are somewhat Libertarian in nature, this does not mean I am advocating naked women running up and down the streets as whores like Amsterdam promotes, nor the elimination of some of the Constitutionally mandated operations of government and it’s interaction with the private citizen. Obviously it costs money to maintain the national defense, a sound judicial system and to secure a safe, consistent and fair flow of commerce. Yet the responsibilities assumed have now spread to every aspect of our lives, including and up to the examination of the sexual behavior of flies as well as the willingness or ability of each citizen to educate their children in a manner (or religious principle) that they see fit. Alas, to become a “nanny state” costs considerably more than just the income tax structure we have in place now. So what is our poor government to do?

After the 1916 income tax solution opened the door, the U.S. government and it’s minions started looking for other taxation solutions to insure that the American people were married to their ideals through the concept of entitlements. That solution did not really take hold until the Great Depression created a nation of sheep willing to accept whatever solutions were provided to insure that the average citizen always had a roof over their head, a meal, a job, a car, a Playstation III, a vacation in Cancun, etc., etc. As the real levels of taxation on corporations (who just pass it on to the customer) and citizens skyrocketed via income taxes, fees, etc. the stress on government has become so great that running a debt on an annualized basis became commonplace and once the banksters and the government figured out that the U.S. was “too big to fail” and that the average citizen would rather be fat, dumb and happy rather than worry about the consequences of their actions, the game was on.

The spending on everything and anything was acceptable and by manipulating the accounting regulations the Congress and Senate could cut deals, make huge profits for themselves via the lobbying system, and create a dependency class that could be further expanded as long as the banksters played along by assuring the public that the integrity of our markets would never be unscathed and unending sources of profit and liquidity would be available as long as everyone played along and didn’t bother to look behind the curtain. Unfortunately for the elitists, people began to peek and worse, people began to worry as the liabilities of this nation were at a staggering $20,000,000,000,000 plus in 2000 and has more than doubled to a blow-one’s-brains-out-if-you-think-about-it-too-much $53,000,000,000,000 plus now. To maintain the ability to service this debt load, much less meet the underlying obligations, the impossible task of maintaining a seven to ten percent annual GDP (oh no, GNP wasn’t good enough, it didn’t track consumer spending enough) was thrust upon the markets and with the help of our friendly neighborhood central bankster, went to work to achieve it. Add in the smoke and mirror arrangement constructed by the Federal Reserve and you can see how this is not going to have a happy ending.

So who is taxing the American citizenry that does not have the authority to do so you may ask? That requires a quick and dirty analysis of our currency and the $53 trillion (it’s too much work to type all those zeroes more than once) in debt and liabilities we now are beholden to. Since the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, our dollar has experienced a depreciation of about 97% from its original value. We have changed the constitutionally mandated method of issuing currency in this nation without an amendment as intended by our founding fathers. Doubt that? Well here are the exact words from our Constitution:

Section 10. No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin money; emit bills of credit; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility.

We have witnessed the abdication of personal responsibility in favor or servitude to the state. In this writer’s opinion, it would be fair to the currency depreciation a somewhat inflationary tax levied upon our society as well as a moral hazard. But now look at the level of debt and obligations and start thinking about that from the big picture perspective. The only way to pay off or maintain the spending levels and debt we have incurred is to monetize the debt and at a rapid pace before the rest of the world does the job of peeking behind the curtain which the American citizens refuse to do for whatever reason. Bad news Sparky; the rest of the world has taken that peek and figured out a few things:

The Federal Reserve has never been audited

The Federal Reserve has no legal liability to the customers it serves, a.k.a. the American Public

The Federal Reserve is a private corporation using policy to generate or promote monetary growth via it’s Treasury proxy. These policies often impact the consumer by destroying savings and increasing the inflation tax.

The Federal Reserve serves only the investors who own that bank, not the nation

Where as many nations have a central banking system directly accountable to legislative branch or powers restricted to the protection of the integrity of their currencies, the Federal Reserve has assumed the role of an un-elected oligarchy, which will ultimately destroy our freedoms and our nation. They are imposing an inflation tax and increasing the rate of destruction of our currency without the authority of the Constitution behind them and worse, at the expense of our citizenry to pay for decades of ignorant bliss as the party went on unimpeded. Now the bill is due and the tax rate is about to be increased dramatically as the casino on Wall Street has made so many bad bets, it requires the house to bail the players out or risk the destruction of the entire world’s financial system. This is not minor threat, but worse, it enables a far more devious threat to emerge.


So what do we have to look forward to? To get some idea, let’s take a look back into history. When Europe erupted into war in 1914, ironically enough due to an act of Islamic terrorism, the United States was caught in the middle as a neutral observer. The Federal Reserve was not a functioning entity, thanks to political delays, when the war started but the U.S. Treasury and its idealistic President were ready. Instead of allowing foreigners to sell off their holdings in the American markets, the solution was simple

Close them.

That was a dangerous game but thanks to the currency provisions of the Alrdich-Vreeland Act the domestic banking system was able to avoid a repeat of 1907 and the currency crunch and uncertainty that would ensue from having our financial markets closed. This same approach could easily be employed again today. If there is a notable or sudden liquidation of our Treasury paper or equities by foreign powers along with a sudden flight of capital from our banks the easiest solution is not to just have the Federal Reserve purchase the paper, as that would require an unrealistic sudden increase in the money supply. The gradualist approach to monetization would have to be tossed out the window causing a larger problem at a sooner point in time. That alternative is unacceptable but still on the table but could appropriately be called the “nuclear option” as it would be the hyperinflationary trigger. The short term option is obvious and it is the 1914 option. That would enable the U.S. government to save face and still maintain some faith in the stability of our economy while stopping a deflationary outflow of capital that would cause an immediate collapse of our economy. Closing the markets in the name of free market capitalism (ironic isn’t it?) is the only logical solution and whatever excuse is offered as “cover” for such an action may sound drastic, but for a short term cessation of bleeding, the only reasonable course of action. How does such an action lead to a change in our nation and just what are the consequences? Read on my friends, as this is where a new nation is born.


To create a new ideal, the old one must die. The concept of America must die. There are and always have been tinkering old fools who have felt that they could “adjust” or redesign America better than the founding fathers. The aristocracy of old was greatly displeased with the balance struck in the United States Constitution but this balance served the purpose of allowing their class to excel in their goals while giving the average person to succeed without the yoke of government being worn about their necks. As the participants of and investors in the modern Fiatocracy see their empire begin to flounder, the plans to revise and redesign this nation are right there in front of us, but thanks to the conspiracy theory principle, it is dismissed as unrealistic and absurd. Despite the fact that grown men dressing up in robes and burning humans in effigy in the mouth of a burning owl has been well documented and confirmed, that does not seem to strike the sheeple as critical to our future. Yet as this writer types this, these same individuals have ownership in the Federal Reserve, ownership of some of our largest financial and corporate institutions, or meet now behind closed doors to discuss the “rumored but documented” NAFTA superhighway as they are able to work in the open without scrutiny and without the authority allegedly given to the citizens of this nation in the Constitution. This is not a good sign and indicates that our nation is well on its way to passing into history as a memory.

The ability to create any new ideals or “modifications” as they shall be called, to our current system requires a breaking point, or death of the nation. There are two methods to achieve this goal and either might be acceptable but one is obviously much more practical. The first method is simply to involve a nation in an idealistic but costly war which slaughters millions of it’s citizens thus reducing the economic needs and re-balancing the supply demand curve in favor of the profiteers and political class where the numbers are much more manageable. This method is of course costly and if carried to extreme in this modern society, the physical damage to actual attacks on the homeland could put the power elite into the same risk strata as the citizens they wish to enslave. The second and most obvious solution is to bankrupt the people, not just the nation. Eliminate the financial capacity of a citizenry to survive and you own them. In the days of yore, the monarchy would simply offer an opportunity to survive by allowing the serfs to live on the land in exchange for the offerings a large percentage of the crops leaving the serfs just enough to survive. This virtual enslavement allowed one class to survive while another prospers. And this lesson in population and economic management has never been lost on the elites in society.


With the plan currently being enacted, the question becomes “What kind of nation will we look like in 20 years?” I fear we could become as drastic a head case as the 1970’s Soviet Union or worse a perpetual model of France combined with the ethnic problems of the Balkans. The withdrawal of the needle from the arm of America via the long-term extraction of capital infusion from foreign powers will leave our standard of living flailing at best and careening into levels unseen in this nation in over one hundred and fifty years if we are lucky. The inability of our society to pay its debt off at all levels and work towards self-sufficiency will create the grand political opportunity that only arrives in history maybe once every two or three centuries. This political opportunity or “third way” as it so often promoted will unfortunately allow the elitists to explode on to the scene denigrating the primitive nature and thought processes of our founding fathers and in the desperation of the moment, the citizenry will bleat right into an automatic acceptance of the changes as a “savior” of their society and the classes of people unable to cope with cyclical economic change. The new Socialism will neither call itself that nor ever openly use the terminology of the works of Marx or Lenin. The test case for this ideology is well under way in the form of Communist China attempting a mix of corporatism, communism and fascism while maintaining the illusion of free market capitalism. The theory that has been promoted over and over again by multinationals and our socialist infested State Department is that “free market capitalism promotes democracy” but in Communist China, it promotes enslavement. There are no free elections there nor truly free markets. There is no desire to allow open competition for the development of and expansion of goods and services without some degree of state control. The profits are guaranteed to insure a large percentage of funds to be allocated to increasing the ability of the military class to expand and dominate the region and the society as a whole. In the case of the United States, the military dominance is unquestioned, but the thumb of the political class does not have the reach of the Central Committee in Beijing yet. By allowing the crisis to worsen or better yet, accelerating the impacts of such a crash, much like what was accomplished in the 1930’s under FDR, the birth of a new nation can be completed under the demands of the very people who are to be enslaved. With so much of our population now dependent on government largesse, this process will be frighteningly easy to achieve.


There is but one hope and believe it or not it is in the mirror. Go look at it. And pray hard for a miracle. In Roman times after the period of the Civil Wars, there was a desire that such a great empire, militarily over-extended and rooted in democratic principles would end their infighting and bring stability back to their people at home. The citizens hoped a return to a virtuous democratic society would win out over the old ways. When Emperor Augustus took power in 31 BC, it enabled a period of relative stability and economic growth to ensue. The Empire of Rome became unified, formidable and expansive once again without the drag of the Republic’s pesky democratic principles. Unfortunately it created a new fascistic monarchy, which demonstrated its brutality and ability to dominate its citizenry and neighbors on a regular basis. It is this writer’s fear that while history may not repeat; the duplication of human foolishness will allow this to occur again. We must, as a society, pray that as the Third Way takes hold over our society that someone will take a stand against the elimination of the U.S. Constitution and the ideals of Jefferson and Hamilton. That someone will have to be a person of considerable power on the inside and willing to wear the Judas label and betray the new elite when and if they make their move. Let us hope this is a man or woman of principle and does not have a sale price like much of our society. Let us pray this happens before the title “Imperator” becomes part of our lexicon, much like the phrase novus ordo has already been accepted, denied and ignored by the masses. The consequences of failing to stop this “new order” from taking hold, as seen in history, will be fatal.

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