Sunday, March 25, 2007

13 States Say No to Security and Prosperity Partnership.

Illegal immigration and the North American Union.
By J. Thompson
Opposition seems to be growing to the Security and Prosperity Partnership, sometimes referred to as the North American Union. 13 states have resolutions of one form or another in the process of being approved. In one other state, Utah, a resolution encouraging withdrawal from the SSP was not acted upon by the senate.
There has also been strong reaction to the announcement that Mexican trucking companies are going to be allowed on US highways soon. Not only because of the obvious economic damage to US trucking companies, but the possible dangers to US citizens on the roadways. Mexican trucking safety and maintenance regulations are much looser than US laws. There is also the homeland security aspect of this issue. At present US/Mexican border is considered by many to be the weakest front in the war on terror. For many, this program is just another route potential terrorist will use to enter the US and disappear, unnoticed until they attack.
Associated Press writer, Beverley Lumpkin, points out in her recent article, that 600,000 illegal alien criminals have been ordered out of the US but are unaccounted for. The agency responsible for following up on the deportations has neither the manpower, or the resources to track all of the cases. Beginning in 2003, 52-Fugitive operations teams were responsible for monitoring on the cases, by Aug. 2006 the backlog had reached 623,292. That is just over 5% of all the illegal aliens in this country. That's if you accept the official numbers of 11-12 million, some experts place the total at 20-25 million illegals in the US currently. If existing policies are not changed, the flood across the border will continue to accelerate. The strain millions of illegal immigrants place on the local and national public services will eventually cause their collapse. At which point it could possibly lead to violent confrontations between native born Americans and everyone that looks like an illegal alien. This is the really unfortunate aspect of the illegal invasion, legal immigrants and foreign looking US citizens caught in the middle. All of this due to politicians afraid to act, or looking for votes more than the good of their country.

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