Saturday, March 31, 2007

Can We Escape the Consequences? Pt.1

1.4 million times a year, every 22 seconds in America, 4,500 every day, 49 million since 1973, and still counting. Staggering numbers, where is the out cry ? Much is made by the mainstream media of US combat losses in the war on terror. Please don't misunderstand me here, I am not trying to minimise the deaths of our heroic Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines. They should be honored, respected and remembered by all of us. I'm just looking for a little balance here, a little perspective, maybe some honesty. If it is unacceptable to take 3,256 combat casualties in a war over 4 years in length, why is it OK to murder 4,500 US citizens every day ? They talk of blood for oil, What about the blood because we are spoiled? Children used to be considered a blessing, to some today they are an incovienence. Some people even have the ability to look into the future, and decide that certain unborn babies will probably have such a bad life that killing them, is in the babies best interest. So much for 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness'. Lots of Americans do believe in God, but for many, that god is self.
My fellow Americans, we should be scared, we should be ashamed. God is not blind, or deaf, and he is not mocked. We will answer for all of the innocent blood spilled in our land, sacrificed to the blind god of self. If you believe in God, then you must believe God is just and honorable. Honor demands justice, justice calls for payment. Payment in kind, Blood.

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